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25 сентября 2012 г. — 27 сентября 2012 г., срок заявок: 18 мая 2012 г.

International Conference «Social Construction of Reality: Chances and Risks for Human Communications»

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Армения, Ереван

Язык информации: Русский

Dear social scientists and specialists in the field of humanity

We are happy to announce about the upcoming International Conference “Social Construction of Reality: Chances and Risks for Human Communications“ in honor of the world known sociologist Thomas Luckmann, on September 24-28.

The conference is organized by the Sociology Department of Yerevan State University in cooperation with German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Working language of the conference is English (presentations could be made in German as well). We are planning to publish conference outputs.

For the participation please send an abstract of your presentation (500-650 words, language: English, font: Times New Roman) till June 15 to following эл. почта: sociology@ysu.am

Requirements for an abstract submission:
1. Title of your presentation should be mentioned at the beginning.
2. Below the title, please, write your name/last name, institution and contact details.
3. Preferred session.
3. Abstract of the presentation.
4. References.

Conference panels:
Session 1: The Peculiarities of Social Construction in Transition Periods.
Session 2: National Identities in Communication World.
Session 3: Humanity and Education beyond the Bondage of Past: Institutionalization and Transformation in Education.
Session 4: Intercultural communications: Chances and Risks in Globalizing Era.
Session 5: Extended Europe as Communication Cohesion Area.

Participation without papers is also available.
For that you have to send to the email sociology@ysu.am the followings:
1. short motivation letter (in 10 lines), why do you want to participate in the conference and what you expect from the participation.
2. CV in 1 page (in English), where should be mentioned your current involvements and scientific interests.

The conference working group

При обращении к организаторам мероприятия обязательно ссылайтесь на сайт «Конференции.ru» как на источник информации.

Последний день подачи заявки: 18 мая 2012 г. (приём заявок закончен)

Организаторы: Faculty of Sociology of Yerevan State University

Контактная информация: 1 Alex Manoogian, 0025 Yerevan, Armenia

Эл. почта: sociology@ysu.am

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