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Добавить «Золотую ленточку»

12 октября 2016 г. — 13 октября 2016 г., срок заявок: 20 июня 2016 г.


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Россия, Пенза (издание включено в: РИНЦ)

Форма участия: очно-заочная

Язык информации: Русский | English

Dear colleagues!
We are delighted to invite academics, researchers, graduate students, administrators of educational institutions and representatives of public authorities and local governments to participate in the IVth  International scientific and practical conference "Language. Law. Society" which will take place on October 12-13,  2016.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
1. The language of law as a language for specific purposes. Linguistic aspects of legal techniques and interpretation of legal acts.
2. The legal term. The problem of legal definitions.
3. Linguistic expertise of texts of various functional types.
4. Advertising text as an object of linguistic research and legal regulation.
5. Language and law in the context of language policy. Official language and its legal and linguistic aspects.
6. Speech manipulation in the media: linguistic and legal aspects.
7. Problems of intercultural communication and translation of legal texts.
8. Language and legal communication. Legal discourse as a cultural phenomenon.
9. The role of literature in the formation of the legal culture of society.
10. Formation of linguistic competence of future legal experts.

Conference languages: Russian, English.

При обращении к организаторам мероприятия обязательно ссылайтесь на сайт «Конференции.ru» как на источник информации.

Последний день подачи заявки: 20 июня 2016 г. (приём заявок закончен)

Организаторы: Conference organizers: − Penza State University; − Legislative Assembly of the region of Penza; − Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia for the region of Penza.

Контактная информация: tel. / fax (8412) 8-927-377-46-54 (Pavlova Natalia Anatolievna) 8-927-376-67-32 (Barabash Olga Vladimirovna) e-mail: confpnzgu@gmail.com olphil@mail.ru

Эл. почта: confpnzgu@gmail.com

Приложения: Информационное письмо (.doc, 173.5 КБ)

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