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15 апреля 2015 г. — 16 апреля 2015 г., срок заявок: 15 марта 2015 г.

III International student research and practical conference «Youth scientific and educational potential in solving actual problems of the XXI century»

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Россия, Ачинск

Форма участия: очно-заочная

Язык информации: Русский | English

Section №1 «Modern tendencies in economics and in management: new perspective»
(World economy and international economic relations, economic aspects of regional development, economics of labour and personnel management, accounting and managerial records and audit, banking and insurance, issues of pricing rules in modern economics, finance and taxation policy, economy and quality management).
Section №2 «Innovative approaches in modern management»
(Strategic management, project management, marketing, personnel management and development, production management, change management, theory of modern management, PR and advertising)

Section №3 «Engineering and technological maintenance of production processes in agrarian and industrial complex»
(Main tendencies of energy saving technologies in production processes in agrarian and industrial complex; Water supply of agricultural production; Staff preparation for agrarian and industrial complex; The usage of electronic computing machine in realization of the main tasks of agrarian and industrial complex production).

Section №4 «Modern tendencies of energy saving in agrarian and industrial complex»
(The usage of secondary energetic resources; Variable speed drive; Electrical lighting enhancement;  The usage of production wastes, development of bio energy settings; The usage of non-traditional sources of energy supply; New energy saving technologies; Reconstruction and modernization of power  supply units; Organization of events connected with reliability and quality improvement of power supply  and reduction of fuel and energy loss; Elaboration and development of automatic system of management for  combination of autonomous power supply  and heating supply of agricultural customers).

Section №5 «Land surveying, cadastre, and land monitoring at the modern stage»
(Historical aspects of the development of land relations at the modern stage; Problems and control system improvement tendencies in land usage and land conservation in RF; Land and cadastral accounting as the basis of the real estate cadastre realization; Taxation of land of agricultural usage).

Section №6«Actual problems of modern Russian law and legislature»
(Modern problems in the sphere of criminal legislation, criminal procedure legislation, criminal executive legislation so as criminology and criminalistics: theory and practice; civil law, civil procedure law, administrative law; historical aspects of Russian and foreign state and law).
Section №7 «Scientific cognition humanization in modern Russian reality»
(Philosophy; Linguistics; Culturology; Sociology; Pedagogy; Psychology)
Section №8 «Debut in science»
(The section is open for students of colleges and secondary schools in Achinsk and Achinsk region. Any topic in the sphere of science).

При обращении к организаторам мероприятия обязательно ссылайтесь на сайт «Конференции.ru» как на источник информации.

Последний день подачи заявки: 15 марта 2015 г. (приём заявок закончен)

Организаторы: Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation; Federal state budget educational institution of higher professional education Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university; Achinsk branch

Контактная информация: Tel: 7 (39151) 3-86-50; 8-923-304-31-70 - Zhelezovskaya Lyubov Anatolievna; 8-950-435-79-29 - Kuznetsov Konstantin Valerievich. E-Mail: ach.kgaunir@ya.ru

Эл. почта: ach.kgaunir@yandex.ru

Приложения: Информационное письмо (.docx, 118.354 КБ)

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