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7 марта 2013 г. — 11 апреля 2013 г., срок заявок: 7 марта 2013 г.

Научный журнал «Studia sociologica»

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Польша, Краков

Язык информации: Русский

The Individual: Contexts, Relations, Research

1. The Main Objectives:

In studying society, sociologist must inevitably study individuals. Regardless of both methodological individualism and methodological holism, the Individual remains the crucial notion in the field of social science. The starting point for research into the status of the Individual within sociology is the premise as to the diversity and multidimensional nature of this category.
The issue of Studia Sociologica titled The Individual. Contexts, Relations, Research examines the nature of the Individual and their social relationship to society. A lot of controversy and discussion has grown up around the very concept of the Individual and all of this results to certain degree from its ambiguity. This is partially because the models used for the explanation of the condition of the Individual are linked with the actual processes of change occurring within societies.
The principal objective of the issue is to present a wide range of the concepts of the Individual and their various dimensions in sociology and social science.

2. The Detailed Problems:

- theoretical discourse of the Individual
- concepts of the Individual («self», «ego», «subject», «actor», «social role», «person»)
- individualism and its new forms
- individual identity («self-image», «self-conception»)
- the Individual and reflectivity, individual narratives
- modernity, late modernity and post modernity as the contexts of individual life
- the Individual in society (different aspects: law, politics, religion, morality, culture etc.,)
- the role of the Individual in social change (subjectivity, non-subjectivity)
- the Individual from a perspective of private sphere and public sphere
- emotions, intimacy and sexual relations
- individual life-cycle (life-course, life-stages)

3. The Deadlines:

- submission of the proposal:
title and abstract (no more than 100 words): 7th March 2013
- submission of the paper: 11th April 2013
- peer-review: 16th May 2013
- editing: 20th June 2013
- submission to the publisher: July 2013

For more information see: http://www.ifis.up.krakow.pl/studia_sociologica/index.php/ru/

При обращении к организаторам мероприятия обязательно ссылайтесь на сайт «Конференции.ru» как на источник информации.

Последний день подачи заявки: 7 марта 2013 г. (приём заявок закончен)

Организаторы: Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, POLAND

Контактная информация: Anna Karnat-Napieracz (ed.), эл. почта: annakarnat@gmail.com

Эл. почта: annakarnat@gmail.com

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