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6 октября 2014 г. — 10 октября 2014 г., срок заявок: 15 июня 2014 г.

Sixth International Symposium on Non-equilibrium Processes, Plasma, Combustion, and Atmospheric Phenomena (NEPCAP-2014)

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Россия, Сочи

Форма участия: очная

Язык информации: Русский | English

The objective of the Symposium is to provide a forum for international experts in kinetics of physical and chemical nonequilibrium processes, oxidation and combustion of hydrocarbon, metallized, and synthetic fuels, as well as laser, plasma, and aerosol physics and chemistry to discuss novel approaches to combustion with high efficiency and low pollutant emission, to address the issues of combustion-generated pollutants and technogeneous aerosols, aviation — produced particles and their environmental effects, and application of laser radiation, plasma and combustion for production of nanoparticles and surface treatment.

- Kinetics of elementary processes in plasma, combustion, and atmosphere.
- Fundamentals of ignition and combustion of organic, metallized, and synthetic fuels.
- Physics of shock and detonation waves.
- Novel combustion concepts including plasma-assisted and laser-induced combustion.
- Physics and chemistry of high speed gas flows.
- Novel physical and chemical propulsion concepts.
- Combustion, laser and plasma generated aerosols and nanoparticles.
- Plasma, laser and combustion assisted technologies, fuel reforming, nanomaterials and surface treatment.
- Gaseous and particulate pollutant formation and pollution control.
- Impact of pollutant emission on the atmospheric processes and climate.


При обращении к организаторам мероприятия обязательно ссылайтесь на сайт «Конференции.ru» как на источник информации.

Последний день подачи заявки: 15 июня 2014 г. (приём заявок закончен)

Организаторы: - P. I. Baranov Central Institute of Aviation Motors - N. N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) - Department of Chemistry and Material Sciences of RAS - Department of Energy, Mechanics, Machine - Building, and Problems of Control of RAS - Scientific Council on Chemical Physics of RAS - Scientific Council on Combustion and Explosion of RAS

Контактная информация: Alexander M. Starik Tel.: (+7-495) 3616468 Fax: (+7-495) 3620373 e-mail: star@ciam.ru

Эл. почта: star@ciam.ru

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